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Is Cohabitation in university or before marriage good or bad?

发布于2007-10-30  访问次数:3682  来源:本站
    With the development of society, relationships among people become more and more complicated. Traditional marriage between man and woman is affected greatly. Many people choose the life of cohabitation because it is free, happy and irresponsible. However, only two decades ago in china, cohabitation was regarded as a corrupt and decadent lifestyle, and the adjective “illegal” accompanied any mention of it.
    It couldn’t be more different now: The one-year national survey was conducted by the Beijing Normal University’s psychology department, which interviewed more than 2 million people around the country. Only about 3 percent polled are opposed to couples living together. About 51 percent of the interviewees said that they accept cohabitation and would be in such a relationship if given a chance; While 46 percent said they are not opposed to the concept but would not do so themselves.
    The survey also showed growing tolerance of partner’s sexual experience and previous love affairs. About 32 percent said partner’s sexual experience would never    bother them when starting a relationship; and more than 61 percent of the interviewees said that they didn’t care how many times their partners had fallen in love before.
In fact, cohabitation has now become very popular in modern society, is it good or bad? Different people have different opinions, Now I will share my opinion with you.
First, cohabitation is like smoking. You feel cool, but it’s harmful to your health, especially to women’s. They face the danger of abortion because they have no right to give birth. If they really do, their children will be illegitimate.
    Second, cohabitation works against family relations. Most parents in china cannot accept this fact. Once their children are cohabiting, they must be angry. It will affect the relationships between those couples and their families.
    Third, cohabitation can lead to some economic problems. Here is an example, Xiao Wang has been living together with his girlfriend. Recently he found a high-salary job. His girlfriend asked him to pay more for their rent, but Xiao Wang disagreed. He thought it unfair. From then on, they quarreled with each other almost every day.
    Fourth, most women look forward to a happy stable family life. But cohabitation cannot give them such life. Once they separate they feel painful. The misery will not be less than that of divorce.
    Of course every coin has two sides. I have to admit that cohabitation is comparatively good for some young couples.
    First, the young people who just graduate have no money, no house. They have to deal with all the things on their own. Living together is better than alone. They can share one room, which is more economical.
    Second, some socialists say that cohabitation can reduce the rate of sexual crimes. With opening of society, increasing modernization and popularity of sex education, the harm of cohabitation is decreasing.
    Third, lovers can understand each other during cohabitation. They need time to prepare for their future life. It is a prelude to marriage.
    Besides these, there are a few people thinking that the marriage is the tomb of love, getting marriage will limit their freedom. But at the same time, they have fallen in love with each other, so the cohabitation will be the best way to solve this problem.
    Therefore, as a conclusion for my opinion, people can choose their lives freely, but behind the cohabitation there are distrust and confusion to marriage. A saying goes like this, when a woman get on a wrong bed, she will not be cherished by men, meanwhile, a man getting on a wrong bed will spend his life in pain.
    So particular things need to be done in particular time.